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Two front teeth...

The sweet cutie pie 8 month old baby.   Look at this face.  Is this a beautiful baby or what?!  The week before Christmas, she started to cut her two bottom teeth.  And...she started to wake up evphoto2ery two hours at night ever since.  I'm pooped.  Seriously, tired. Last night, I started to try and put a stop to this habit I think she has developed but it's hard because her crying wakes everyone in the house.  Any suggestions out there?  I tried feeding her again late at night...made no difference.  I let her nurse last night at midnight and then again at 6 am but we toughed it out between 2 and 3 am.  Cry, pick her up, change her diaper, rock, lay down, cry, let cry, cry louder, pick her up, rock, lay her down, scream her head off, let her for a bit, pick her up, rock...finally, quiet.  And then I was awake until like 4 am!

I'm not functioning very well.  I missed the girl scout cookie meeting on Saturday.  I didn't get to work today until 10am (ok, that's not that unusual...especially since the baby arrived).  And at this moment the screen is going in and out of focus and its still mid afternoon.

I have all of my other work tasks done with the exception of the content I need to write for our new website.  I started writing this content TWO YEARS ago and then things were put on hold and contracts cancelled and on and I have found it IMPOSSIBLE to focus and jump back into this thing mid stream where I left it long ago.  It's due asap.  I can't write when I can't think or see.  And I can't drink too much caffeine, I'm still nursing.

So, before Christmas, I was working on a scrap throw quilt for my parents.  I got it done a few days before and they loved it.  Check it out...


photo5This is just the top before I tied the whole thing.  I did the backing in this cute rodeo flannel I had purchased long, long ago - thinking of course, Sophie would be a boy.  So, the top side of the quilt is for my Mom, the back side, the rodeo flannel, for my Dad.

This week, I'm meeting with my graphic designer to discuss the packaging design for my patterns I'm working on and to give her my first draft of the designs for my fabric line for her to digitize and work on.  I'm super excited.  Prayers greatly welcomed through this whole phase.  This business may not take off this year, it may take us a few years but the we're trying and so I hope this leads to some new great things for our whole family.

Happy New Year to all and by all means, if you have some baby tips for me -do share!  You'd never know I am the mom to twins - I must have been in such a haze with them because I have forgotten EVERYTHING!  What foods to introduce when, schedules, blah, blah, blah, zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz!  See!! Falling asleep as I type!  I think I need the supernanny!
