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Sock Monkeys

Remember sock monkeys? I love them! My daughter saw a kit for making one and so I gave it to her for Christmas. The box said for 9 and up. She’s 7. So, she asked and asked and asked and asked and asked and asked and asked and asked…you get the picture, asked non-stop on Christmas day for me to make this for her. So, I get it started and have her help. Ahh…9 and up? Hello?! I was ready to gouge my eyes out making this thing! Sock knit is not the easiest thing to sew. Trying to turn the tiny little narrow arms and legs right side out…man! Of course, then he has to have a sleeping cap. And slippers. And his own little teddy bear.

Now that he is made though, we all love him. And want more! We’ll be on the hunt for more to add to our lonely little guy to start a collection. Besides old vintage ones…anybody got any ideas where we could find others?

I mentioned the other day that I was working with a graphic designer to turn my patterns into a marketable product. I’m really excited about this whole process. We discussed the packaging, product photos, and names. My husband and I came up with a great name for our first line…you’ll have to stay tuned in and wait for their debut to find out what it is! Garden theme of course.

I honestly didn’t get much of anything done today. I sketched designs some and painted a few. The hubby has a nasty head cold as does the baby. The baby barely let me put her down today. She just wanted held and cuddled. Even though she was a bit cranky, it sure was nice to cuddle all day and just relax. I so very rarely get to do that. We just enjoyed watching the snow fall most of the day…and listened to my husband blow his nose every few minutes. I sure hope I don’t get it because I am a terrible patient. I hate being sick.

Tomorrow is Friday but I’m not ready for the weekend just yet. Kids home and all. I need a few more uninterrupted days of peace and quiet. I think this whole sleep deprivation thing with the baby is starting to catch up to me. I could sleep for a week in my wonderfully cozy flannel sheets in my big king size bed. Ohhh…can you tell it’s just about bed time. Thinking about sleep already. I seem to think and talk about sleep a lot lately zzzzzzzzzzzzzz….

Ciao, T
