CLICK HERE and Be a community supporter of the farm. Send the goats a treat from the Amazon wishlist.

I am SO excited!!

Christmas is in 3 daHipster and matching mini mommyys and I am so excited! I can't wait to celebrate this first Christmas with our newest little one, our 7 month old, Sophia! And our twins are gonna go crazy when they see the fun stuff that Santa has brought! I'm still working on the quilt I'm making for my Mom and Dad and I'll share that later. Do you facebook? Well, search me out, Trish Raridan Preston, and then click on my Elf Yourself link. TOO FUNNY! Or find these funny "movies" yourself where you can insert your head onto elf bodies and

Tomorrow more sewing. Then cookiesSt Mary Backpack and finally...working on the new website. New website you ask...yes, new all in one, shopping, gallery and more website. I'll let you know when I'm ready with the big launch.

Happy Holidays to you all. May you enjoy this day we celebrate the birth of our Savior and treasure your family.  (just a few photos of the latest that went out and I'm sure will end up under someones tree ...cute sets for Moms and daughters, eh?)Olivia in Nigellaplatterpurse-and-mini-platterpurse-21
