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Lock the door behind you...

I don't typically blog about too much personal stuff.  To put it out there for the public - I just don't.  I don't typically share my kids photos or their names or too many details.  Just the ex-cop in me I guess.  I rarely talk about my faith although it is a major part of my life.  Why I keep silent about it, I just don't know.  It's not what we are asked to do when we are called to witness for Christ. And so I felt like sharing today some of my faith journey of the past week.  I'd LOVE to hear about yours as well...YOU inspire me.  When my friends share scripture with me, share their journey, their faith, good new songs to listen to - it lifts me up and sustains my hunger.  PLEASE SHARE!!  It's what we are all called to do..

My husband and I went to sfireproof_movieposteree the movie Fireproof last Friday night.  We rarely go on dates...almost never as the parents of 7 year old twins and a 7 month old.  Too tired, don't feel like it, too busy, too expensive...lots of excuses but I felt like we needed to go and see this movie for all of those reasons that seem to pull at us at this stage of our lives together.  Some friends from church had said it was really great.  And it was.  If any of you have ever struggled with faith, spirituality, love, will identify with this movie, be humbled, and be inspired.

The song that plays at the end of the movie, Love is not a fight by Warren Barfield.  I tried to load the YouTube video here but it won't go so try the link here and it will take you to his myspace page where there is an audio link.  It's a great song.

"Love is not a place to come and go as we please.  It's a house we enter into in and then commit to never leave...Lock the door behind you, throw away the key."   My favorite FAVORITE line of this song is:

If we try to leave, may God send His angels to guard the door No, love is not a fight but it's something worth fighting for

When you struggle with anything in life, its easy to place blame, and fall out of faith.  Those are the times you need to be most faithful because God is working in you and you need to be patient and listen.  Patience is not something I have a lot of that is for sure so this is hard for me to do and I have found myself so many, many times trying to do what I want to do and not what God may want for me.  Excuses, excuses, excuses.

So as we prepare in this season, to celebrate the gift that we have been given in the Christ child, celebrate all that you have in your life and be faithful.  Listen to the voice in your heart that is leading you on the path.  Pray for each other and I'll pray for you too that you may be blessed with peace this year and always in your relationships and all you do in this life.  To God be the glory.
