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It's not about the stuff...

Sarah writes on her fiancee Gregs facebook Wall: Thank you for the best 2 years of my life. I have so many wonderful memories that i am thankful for. You were everything to me, I am lost, shattered without you to make my life complete. To say you were the love of my life doesnt even scratch the surface as you were my dream come true, my fairy tale in real life and i... loved telling you and everyone else that. I am so lucky to be loved by you. Thank you, my incredible, wonderful, gorgeous Greg, thank you. I love you and always will. Sarah

The next day, she writes on her own wall:

thank you to Greg for a wonderful nights sleep wrapped in his clothes.  I wake up in the morning and before I open my eyes I just hope that when I do, he will be right next to me but it's just his clothes.

One of the wonderful Moms in my twins club sent that to me...and the story behind it that she shared with us follows below.  It moved me so and I asked her if I could share it with all of you.  At this moment, as a woman of faith, as we celebrate the birth of our Savior, it means so much to me to be reminded what the coming of Christ is all about.  This holiday isn't about the perfect gift, just the right meal, the perfect decorations - it's about something so much greater that I have a hard time wrapping my head around it sometimes.  The gift we have been given in Christ Jesus amazes me - and this story from my friend, reminds me that our lives are about our relationships, our relationships with God and with each other, a reminder that those minutes turn into memories - and that this holiday is just not about "stuff".  May you make wonderful memories this Christmas and may you be blessed beyond measure.

Here's the original email I received from Julia, my wonderful twins mom friend...

Tony worked late tonight. One of the twins was in bed at 7:20, before he'd even gotten home. I watched a little Charlie Brown Christmas with my other twin daughter, put her in bed by 8:15.

As Tony was eating his dinner, I was dozing off (I've started to catch the girl's colds)...I still had paperwork to do before hitting the hay. So, I had to snap out of my snooze. I went into the kitchen to pack 3 lunches for tomorrow. One cell phone rang, I sent it to voicemail. My Blackberry rang, ignored it (just too tired to talk). Then the home phone rang. All 3 times, it was quasi sister, next door neighbor from where I grew up. I answered. Within minutes we were crying.

Her 29 year old daughter, Sarah, has been engaged for nearly a year and to be married Febuary 6, 2010. Sarah's 28 yr old fiancee, Greg, collapsed at work last Friday.  Coroner's report stated he died of natural causes, felt no pain, and was gone before he hit the floor.

Granted - none of this information means a hill of beans to any of you.

Except when a healthy 28 year old man, part-time farmer, volunteer fire fighter, full-time employee of a farming plant collapses suddenly with no previous health conditions; he is well known in his community for his never ending, giving efforts and is head over heels in love and will be married in less than 2 months....suddenly he is gone. There are many grieving hearts here on earth, Heaven has another Angel.

This gives me another reminder to express my love and gratitude for my family and my friends (many of which, who are my family in my heart). Thank you, I love you and wish you all a blessed Christmas. Thankfully, I will see and/or talk to most of you over Christmas and/or new Year's. If I don't get to talk to you...know you have a special place in my heart.

One favor - don't just mentally love. Emotionally love, physically love and verbally express daily to your God, your children, your soulmates, your closest. Personal grudges, judgements, anger are petty and toxic emotions that close the door on the light of the Spirit.

This is email is not meant to sadden, but to enlighten.

Merry Christmas and God Bless.

Much love, Julia

I loved this because every day, EVERY dang day, toxicity can creep in so easily and I love her gentle nudging to emotionally, physically and verbally express your love.  That's my wish for you - that you find the courage to do so each day.


