'Twas the night before Christmas and all through the garden
Not a pea was stirring, Oh, I do beg your pardon.
The tools were all hung in the barn with care,
In hopes that a new harvest soon would be there.
Our little peas were napping all snug in their beds
while visions of tomatoes, beets and pumpkins danced in their heads.
And Mama in her apron and I in my straw hat,
had just settled down with an iced tea and sat,
When out in the garden there arose such a thud,
We both sprang to our feet and ran through the mud.
Away to the barn I flew like a flash,
Tore open the doors and made a mad dash.
The sun danced upon the glistening leaves,
we looked at each other and rolled up our sleeves.
When what to our wondering eyes should appear,
But a buck and doe and two twin deer.
With a hush and wink, we stopped in our tracks,
knelt down low and and admired the bucks rack.
and walked softly on their feet.
They munched on some apples from the tree up above,
then the Mama gave each twin a nudge with such love.
We watched them disappear back to the forest,
and listened as the peepers sing a lovely chorus.
Our harvest has been grand, your friendship so bright,
We've been blessed beyond measure and give thanks this Christmas night.
For each of you, our dear friends far and near,
You've made 2009 such a wonderful year.
We wish you health
and much love
in the New Year!
From your friends at Two Peas in a Pod Homegrown Designs!
The Gardener and Trish and all the little peas!