the creative connection event

Please excuse my jaw dragging on the floor

For real.  Because everytime I peer into the Where Women Create magazine, blog, etc, my jaw drops.

I love seeing the amazing spaces of all these talented women.

Where Women Create, Inspiring Work Spaces of Extraordinary Women, is a magazine created by Jo Packham and published by Stampington & Company.

I'm blessed enough to count the wonderful ladies at Where Women Create my friends.  Coming this September, they are putting on one heck of shindig.  Painting, sewing, felting, jewelry making...I love the little teacup pincushions Betz White is making.  The vintage tree toppers - are they cute or what?  I SO want to learn how to paint one of these too!  Love this journal, would be so cute to keep baby stories in.

Did I just totally get off subject?  I got distracted by the mention of sewing, painting, projects...ok, I'm back.

THIS SEPTEMBER as I was saying, Where Women Create is putting on this awesome event called The Creative Connection.  It promises to be the best time ever.  You gotta check out the class schedule.  I could spend a week there sewing up a storm with all those great people in one place at one time!

In celebration of my birthday week, Where Women Create is giving one of you this nice surprise!  Where Women Create, the book...AND

And this cute bookmark to go along with it. will choose the winner next week, deadline to enter is March 31st at midnight.  To win this offering from Where Women Create, leave a comment for any or all of these:

1)  Become a follower at the Where Women Create blog

2) Add a Where Women Create button to your blog

3) Add The Creative Connection button to your blog

4) Tweet about this giveaway

Thanks everyone for celebrating with me this week!  Hope you enjoyed my birthday as much as I did!  Don't forget you have until next week to enter all of the giveaways from this week, just scroll back to find the posts from the last 3 days.

