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{sew, mama, sew giveaway day}

Let the "giving" continue!  I've done not much blogging this month but a whole lotta giving and that dear friends, is a good thing.  Our family has been busy with the season and family time and I'm not one to miss out. SO...back one post, you'll find the giveaway I'm doing with Where Women Create and their 12 Days of giving series...and here I am, playing along with Sew, Mama, Sew.

If you are new here, nice to meet you.  Take a gander over there to the right side bar and browse around.  You'll also find up there links to chat with me on Facebook and Twitter (I'm on facebook...way too much...good chance you'll catch me there more than here).

So let's get to this whole giveaway thing, shall we?  Go HERE to see the full list of all of the Sew, Mama, Sew Giveaways.  Happy Holidays to YOU because it is awesome!!

Today, I'm giving away several things.  Some supplies, patterns, a bag and my e-class.  Keep reading!



Here's the deal...I'll be giving these away as 3 separate prize packages.

1) the supplies including my score (ok, my parents scored this stuff at an auction - I'm sharing with you) of the vintage silk spools, brooches, yarn and patterns.  I love to display old thread spools and buttons in glass jars in my sewing space.  And I LOVE using brooches on my bags 

2) The design sample - Tie Tote bag.

3) A seat in my e-class so you can make a Tie Tote for yourself.

and one more....

4) A $20 shop credit.  There's a catch to this one...

The giveaway is open until December 16th at 5pm PST.

I'm happy to ship internationally so this is open to everyone!

To enter, please tell me who YOU would like to give the $20 shop credit to and why.

Who in your life has done something special for you or is deserving of an extra treat?  We will let choose the prizes 1-3...and for the shop credit, we will let my "two peas" choose the winner of that one and we will award that shop credit to the person you indicated you wanted to gift this surprise to...sound good?!  (I'll have something for the winner of that too!)

One last special treat, for our friends from Sew, Mama, Sew...if you're interested in the Tie Tote Sewing Class for through December 16th we will have them discounted and available for only $14.  (That's $6 off!  and the price of a paper pattern in the store only this one you get 45 minutes of video instruction from yours truly that you can view anytime you want from the comfort of your sewing room, jammies and all.)

Happy Sew, Mama, Sew Giveaway Day!