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apple butter day groveport ohio

{thrifting finds and apple butter day}

I have said this before but it goes to the heart of what I love...I love junk.

I love trash picking.  Garage sales.  Thrifting.  Love.  Love like a good cup of coffee.  Love.

Last Sunday after church, my friend Lydia and I went thrifting.  We were on the hunt for supplies for a show we decided we would do together. Thinking about Christmas and earning some extra dollars for the kids... we signed up to have a booth at the Apple Butter Day in Groveport, OH.

So we packed up the kids and spent a nice afternoon combing every square inch searching for treasures. We found all kinds of things we needed for some of the crafts we have in mind.

But these peep toes shoes.  They were calling my name.  They were like new, all shiny and under $3.  I couldn't resist. And clearly, neither can Sprout.  Because she promptly "borrowed" them and played "Momma" the rest of the day.  It's pretty cute.  She grabs her play computer, phone and a pad of paper and a pen..."I'm working, like Momma!" because when I work from home, that's what we do.  We sit down together at the table with our "computers" and our paper and she takes orders and I fill them.  She should be ready to take over as CEO by the time she's 10 I'm certain of it.

Miss Lydia and I have lots of fun plans in store and many sewing dates ahead as we prep for next week Saturday.  Pretty scarves and fun reclaimed items, wristlets and pretties for your hair and more!   If you're so inclined, come and see us!  We will be in the big tent right smack in the middle of it all, next to the log cabin.  Come and say hi!