halloween party — Blog — Preston Family Farm

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halloween party

{monday mornings inspiration link up}


 I don't like scary things. Not "haunted houses".  Not horror movies.  I'm afraid of heights. I don't like roller coasters or going fast.  (Goofy's Barnstormer at Disney is just my speed) I'm afraid of snakes (although I'm really careful not to tell my girls that because it's a silly fear). I don't believe in ghosts.  Or aliens.  Or robots taking over the world.

But I do love Halloween. Love like it's way better than my birthday, love.

I love the costumes.  I love harvest time.  Pumpkins. The leaves crunching under our feet. I love the games and fun that is Halloween.

And every year, we host a Halloween party. No matter what. This year, Sprout had her first.  She had 2 girlfriends come over for an hour.

They wrapped each other like mummies.  Then unwrapped each other. They played pass the pumpkin.  Ran around outside.  Chased each other and shared hugs. And then ate Mummies made of chocolate and pretzel rods and cupcakes. (the Gardener could not believe I served store bought cupcakes.  First time ever.  Letting go of the "I have to make EVERYTHING for every party syndrome.  It was quite nice.)

The big girls had their party right after. They beat a bat pinata to death.  It was a tough bat - the Gardener ended up tossing it to each person like a baseball...darn thing would not break open! They ate "worms" from our garden on a bun and had "ghosts". (sliced and boiled hot dogs and baked potatoes with sour cream) They had mummy races.  Which got way out of control when I said "Unwrap your mummies!" I have never in my life seen so much toilet paper lint flying in the air.  It looked like it was snowing. And the big girls also made button bracelets.

Tonight, we trick or treat.  We will drive to our old historic downtown, to the Hardware store, the cupcake shop, and a stop at the coffeehouse for cocoa.   We will visit our mailman's house (he usually has something stashed in his coat pocket, special, for our girls).  And stop at the house where the guy dresses up like Count Dracula and only lets the kids come up one at a time while he ushers them in with his cape.  Scary and fun.  The neighbors all sit outside on the front porch and dress up. And then, we walk to the VFW (Veterans of Foreign Wars) for their Halloween party.  The men hire a magician and have a costume parade.  We go every year.  Last year, the magician levitated a kid.  Serious.  He was amazing!

What inspires me about all of that is the innocent fun, the huge smiles on everyones face, and the laughter that we hear all night as we run and giggle and enjoy the fall evening.

Happy Halloween! What do you have planned for tonight?

Want to link up?  Show us your inspiration, please be sure to include a link back here and grab the linky button too!

Halloween Hoopla


And so it begins.

The Halloween hoopla.


Last Friday, the peas were out of school.  We decided that would be a good day to host a Halloween party at our house - like we do every year.

For the kids of course!  It IS my favorite holiday, yes.  And yes, I have said, at my wake, bring out all my Halloween decorations, dress in costume and have fun because, I do love it ...that much.  It's just fun!


All the monster movies I saw as a kid - Frankenstein and Dracula and Mummies - I love all that stuff!

(Love VINTAGE halloween too - let me know if you have a good resource - hard to come by, affordably!)



We had mummy races.



We had "Boo Am I" charades where you had to pop  the "ghost" balloon to get your clue inside and then act out your monster.




We ate edible eyeballs because um, hello?  Like, who wouldn't want to eat monster eyeballs from the mad scientist laboratory?  Ahh...dontcha know - they are SO good!  Tastes just like a powdered donut hole!  Amazing, isn't it?!



And we had Frankensteins Lab all set up...I'll have to add those photos later.  Brains, cyclops eyes, veins, tongues, and heart...and of course, wrinkly old toes.  The kids were totally freaked out.  I LOVED it!  muhhaahahhaa!


The peas were pirates.  Total thrift store costume.  Pants, thrift store - and then shreded.  Shirt, thrift store - perfect!  Sash, thrift store - old tie.  Accessories, found those on vacation.  Costume total cost - $8.  Not bad.



Now...how do I dress the baby up like a pirate?  Any ideas?