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apple recipe

Fridays, Family and Food

Probably, my most favorite thing to do, besides eat.  Seriously, I LOVE eating.  Textures, taste, smells - love it.  Best entertainment.  For me at least. Food is often talked about in our house.  What are we having for breakfast...tomorrow?  While we are eating dinner..."what should we have for dinner...tomorrow?".  You'd think we'd all be as big as a house but we are kind of a skinny bunch - we just like to eat.

Well, a "food" tradition in our house started a few years back.  The gardener was totally busted, standing in the door of the frig, spraying leftover whipped cream from Thanksgiving directly into his mouth.  The kids jaws hit the floor.  They totally wanted to do the same thing!  That New Year's Eve - he surprised both girls with their very own can of whip cream.  To spray in their mouth whenever they wanted.  And thus - a new year's tradition was born.  Every New Year's Eve, the Preston family tradition includes Dad making an appetizer dinner and topping it off with s'mores in the fireplace and...whip cream.  Yep.  That about sums it up everyone.

And of course, the littlest pea HAD to do exactly what her sisters were doing.  Mind you, the twins - um, they were TWO YEARS OLD before I ever let them have sugar.  Seriously.  I was mean.  No cookies, no ice cream - nothing.  Even their birthday cakes - I sweetened them with applesauce.  Pathetic, I know.

Our littlest pea, totally ruined.  Before Christmas, she had chocolate chip cookies for the first time.  Last week, at 20 months old, I introduced her to chocolate milk via Ovaltine.  Let me just say the reaction...priceless.  We've taught her some sign language - after finishing the first cupful without taking a breath - she starts wildly signing "more! more!" and then pointing to the cupboard where I keep the ovaltine mix.  And now...her favorite word has become "cawk - it" know, chocolate.  Anyway, little pea had to get in on these New Year traditions...

Doesn't this break some kind of "good parenting" law or something?  Well, let's just say, I did not start this tradition I merely sit back and observe.  Ok, and take a few photos for "evidence".

This got me thinking about another yummy we enjoy around here and...

...a great way to start your weekend - a quick and easy delicious dessert.

My kids love this one and ask for it frequently.

All you need is a can of crescent roll dough or you can use those ready made pie crusts in the box, granny smith apples, butter, cinnamon and sugar.

Press out your dough on to a greased pan and give it a little edge for a crust.  Bake for about 5 minutes or so.  Remove from oven.

Slice up several apples and arrange on your dough.

Melt several tablespoons of butter and baste your apples and crust with butter.  Sprinkle generously with cinnamon and sugar.  Bake again for about 10-15 minutes about 350'.  Enjoy!

Do you have any "food" traditions in your house?  Anything as obnoxious as "your very own can of whip cream"?  Dish it up - I'd love to hear I'm not alone!

