Quilters quilting at the Quilt Club

A couple of weeks ago, on a very hot steamy day - me and my trunk of goodies - made our way through downtown Columbus to meet with a local quilt club during their lunch hour.  These ladies awesome employer gives them space and some funds to host a quilt club at work.  How cool are THOSE benefits?!  Nice!

I brought along a few embellishment ideas to share with them and talked a little bit about the process I use to design and develop my sewing patterns.  I brought along my Simplicity Bias tape maker to show them how to use it for quilt binding.  They really liked that (when you make yards and yards of bias - ANYTHING to make it easier is a miracle!)  The girls had a lovely show -n- tell with some of their recent projects.  (see them up there - nice huh?!)

I also brought a couple of quick sew by hand projects to share as well.  Everybody stitched along and chatted.  It was a really nice break in the day and such an honor to be invited.  And a pleasure to meet everyone from their quilt club.

Made me wish I worked at their office so I could come have lunch them at the meetings every month.