Forgive me for dropping off the face of the earth. We have been quite busy around these parts. Doing dishes. Homework. 4H. Work. Play. Etc.
I really didn't mean to be absent quite so long. I posted back here about our Sprout and I'm happy to say that the news does continue to improve. Not fully out of the woods and our long term prognosis to developing complications is not all that favorable but as testing continues, at this moment, we breathe a little easier with each positive note. We adore our neurologist and will be working with another specialist soon to be a 2nd (actually a 3rd or 4th - she has quite the team advocating for her) set of eyes on her case. We are thankful that things are no where near as bleak as they first presented.
But that leads me to priorities. I don't know if you know all of what I do - much like many of you - my life is very busy. I know I've mentioned this many times about how we as women are multi-taskers and not always to our betterment. But if someone were to ask me one of my weaknesses, well, I over multi-task.
I have a sensitive and generous husband. I am the mother of 3 children. I have a fledgling business that grew from an artful love and family traditions. I work outside the home in a part time in a job that I still enjoy as it has evolved over the years and where I feel like I truly touch lives in such a positive way. I try to keep up my home though mostly unsuccessfully. Clean but often cluttered? And as I frequently tell myself, a messy house is a house that is well lived in and where there is a lot of love going around (well, that's my "excuse" at least). My kids will be grown and gone before I know it so I try not to miss too many moments. This is what people say when they have messy houses though, isn't it? :>)
Blogging and all of this business stuff and the fun stuff of sewing / designing is time consuming. I love it. I do. I do. I do. But as of late, it is my hearts desire to be sure that I find just the right balance. I've been working, yet again (as it seems I often attempt and fail at prioritizing) on adjusting my schedule so that I have plenty of family time, husband time, kids time, house time, sewing time, business the last few weeks, I've just found myself snuggling with Sprout or the peas or my hubby and saying to heck with much else. Because really, in the end, they are my entire world. Everything else, as wonderful as it may be, doesn't come close to filling my heart up like those 3 little people and that hubby of mine does.
I have a long list of blog topics and I'll be working on getting those up and running and scheduled. But if I grow quiet - feel free to chime in and check on me! I'm just working on trying to figure out how to schedule it all, fun, sewing fun, connecting with friends far and wide, family time and date nights. How do you manage it all? I 'd love to hear your advice!
The first thing I've started doing lately is sticking to a quitting time. Deciding on working hours and keeping to it.
I've also unplugged a bit. Outside of peeking in here and there from my iphone, I'm staying offline a bit more these days hoping to sneak in more sewing time.
My husband and I are also working on making my sewing room more of a work space. (It currently holds a beautiful antique bed and serves as a guest room too!) but soon the bed will disappear and I'll get to stretch my legs a bit more in there. Since I hired Courtney from our church to work for me handling shipments, etc - it has gotten very crowded in my little sewing studio / guest room. The new improved room will have a place for packaging orders, collating patterns, and gasp, perhaps more room for fabric!
Plus, we are sorting (who am I kidding I, I AM sorting) toys and clothes and paring down. Trying to simplify as much as I can. And I've been praying a whole lot about being the person that God created me to be for my husband. It is so easy to get caught up in the day to day and kids and work and become just Mom and Dad. Husband and Wife come first - the family foundation, and I've really been setting my heart at making sure that my man is happy, content and cared for. It's something I pray about a lot.
SO THIS IS ME KNOCKING AT YOUR SCREEN...I'm still here. Promise. Just prioritizing. Adjusting my schedule some. I haven't dropped off the face of the earth. Promise.