A new blog feature I hope to post as I can...Monday Mornings Inspiration. Just a look at many of the fabulous artists in our crafting community and what inspires them. Mentors and friends - people I admire and enjoy their art - and I want to share that with you. There is an artist in each of you, there really is. Don't say, "Not me" because YES! You! Enjoy these posts and then look for what inspires you.
My first feature is with the wonderful Jayne Barnes of Honeyrun Farm. Jayne and her husband are master artists with their hands, the soil beneath their feet and what they produce from their farm. My roots being strongly planted in agriculture and the environment, it is a pleasure to share Jaynes art and inspiration with you today. {I can attest that you haven't tasted honey until you've had Honeyrun Farms honey - it is quite simply, the best ever!}
Here is our interview with Jayne:
1) Since the feature is called Monday Mornings Inspiration, can you tell me what inspired you to a career / hobby in farming and crafting?
I grew up on a small dairy farm and always loved being outside. I studied Sociology in college, and I never thought I would one day earn a living from farming.... but here I am! My husband I and are both from farm families and we kind of just fell into beekeeping after I gave him a hive one year for Christmas. What started as a simple hobby has turned into a bit of an obsession! I love doing crafty projects, so living on a honey farm allows me to enjoy the farm life while also creating useful items from the hive and garden.

3) What 3 words best describe you? People say I am practical, laid-back, and content.
4) What could you not live without to get through each work day? Your phone/computer or your coffee? Computer! We actually don't own a TV so I get all my info/news from the computer. Also, as a stay-at-home mom, Facebook is my contact with the adult world. :)
5) What is the best part of your job as a farmer/crafter? Getting to do what I want every day! That is the pleasure of owning your own business. I do think we work harder than if we worked for someone else... we have longer hours and work on weekends, but we wouldn't trade it for a day job. When you grow up watching your parents run a farm, it just feels like what you're "supposed to do"... know what I mean?
6) What advice would you offer to someone when it comes to living a creative life? Follow what you love... don't do things because other people are doing it or it looks like it can make money. Only do it because you love it.
7) What can we expect to see from you in the coming year in terms of new projects and design? We are experimenting with all sorts of new infused honey flavors: vanilla infused honey, chocolate whipped honey, cinnamon infused..... etc.. etc...