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Santa Claus is coming to town...

We are all getting just a little bit excited about the big day.  You know the one... Santa arrives in our town with an escort by our fire trucks and the high school marching band.  There are horse drawn carriage rides, a craft bazaar, a gingerbread house contest and ice sculptures.  It's very Norman Rockwell-ish and I love it.

Just about the time Santa was arriving to the park in town to meet with all the children, Sprout caught a glimpse of the old guy.  She began to yell.  Loudly.  And wave her arms around to get his attention.


All day long in fact, she had been saying, she wanted to see Jesus and how she just couldn't wait until she got to meet Jesus and I thought, man!  You're freaking me out kid!  Why are you saying that?  I began wondering if she had a death wish or something.

Um, yeah.  So as we are standing there, waiting for SANTA...I realize, she's calling Santa - Jesus.  This girl thinks the fat guy in the red suit is Jesus???  Oh no.

I mean it's an honest mistake.  We talk all about Jesus, how it's his birthday, etc and then we have stuffed Santa Clauses all over the house.  Clearly, need a few more pictures of Jesus.  She is now throughly confused because now when I ask her, "Who's this?" pointing to Santa...she just says, "that guy".

She told him for Christmas, she wants a sucker.  His reply, "Is that all?".  She answered, "No, I want 3 suckers."  Oh, I can not wait to see her face when she opens up her gifts on Christmas morning and sees the bag of 300 dum-dum suckers I bought her!  She is gonna lose it!  She's a keeper that Sprout.  (She's stylin her little scarflette here...cute huh?  And yes, that's my arm in there and yes, I know.  We have matching coats.  Cheesy.  Whatever.)

Santa has brought a little something for you too.  A few giveaway winners.

From  this post, I promised to share some of Elizabeths beautiful Red Rose Farm fabrics in way of precut pieces to make the scarflette...

Jansie...the kit is all yours.  Email me your information!

Now, the Sew, Mama, Sew Giveaway.  We have 3 fabulous prizes...

First, a $20 shop credit to Above All Fabric and your choice of one of my patterns...goes to Rebekah, "I would get some AH Starling of my favorite prints ever."

Next, a set of 3 of my patterns, your choice...Nellana!

And finally, a patchwork wristlet handmade by me!  That winner is...Gaby!

"I have subscribed to your blog.  Your opening comment made me smile Oprah is currently in Australia and all I have been seeing today is comments about Oprah."

So all you winners - send me your information.  I can't promise I'll get this all out to you before Christmas but next week, for sure!  Tomorrow is my last shipping day this week and then we are full on with the festivities...cookie baking, gift wrapping, movie watching and roasting marshmallows by the fire and all that other fun holiday stuff.

For everyone who did stop by and enter the giveaways, thank you so much.  I hope you'll continue to come back and join in on the conversation from time to time.

I feel very blessed to have this space to connect with other crafters - thank you for reading.  I wish you and your family, a very happy HAPPY holiday!  Eat too much, laugh until you cry, hug everyone in sight and be happy and live well.  Life is good.

God bless you...




