Did you think I had fallen off the face of the earth? No? Ok, no really...it's about to get pretty quiet around here. See this face?
This is the face of a girl who has had very little sleep. Whose butt has gone numb long ago. Fingers in permanent bent position on the keyboard of her computer. Coffee cups, tea cups and an empty bag of pretzel crisps surround her. Children pawing at the office door wondering when will she be done. A husband lurking about woefully neglected and underpaid for he is keeping all the plates of our family spinning at the moment. Pages and pages of text, edits, revisions, double check, color checks...and on and on and on. But it's short lived...and soon, it will be go time, time to get on that jet plane for Houston and head off to Quilt Market.
I think that working a trade show for 3 days with 2 days to set up and tear down will seem like a giant vacation compared to the last few weeks.
So it might get a bit quiet around here while we rush about in a flurry with finishing touches in preparation of our Sprouts Sewing Pattern debut but I promise...I'll be back soon enough with a big fat reveal of all 14 new patterns. ALL OF THEM...Even the Hazel Hipster got a facelift and new revisions! I'm exhausted beyond measure but God is good - I know this journey He has led our entire family on is one with purpose and I won't let a little sleep deprivation stop me from being the best I can be and honor Him.
Wish me luck with all the preparations won't you? I could use a hug...