And the winner is...

You are dying to know aren't ya??

Well, I am knee deep in Easter dress land.  Raise your hand if you also had the best of intentions for making your kids an Easter outfit and then just started this week, less than 7 days before Easter.  Uh, huh!  I see you out there.  Thank you for joining the "procrastinators sewing club".  Eee-gads!

If I had any more energy mustered up I might actually write something more but...I'm flat pooped.

I want to thank all of you for all the many Birthday wishes and for playing along with all our giveaways.  A super special thank you to Paige and Jo from Where Women Create, Bari J. Ackerman and Britt Lakin Photography for offering up such great giveaways.  Love you guys!

First up, Britt Lakin Photography giveaway!

True Random Number GeneratorMin: Max: Result: 1

Can you believe it?  Number 1?  Wow, pays to be the early bird Allison!

Next, four separate winners for the Two Peas in a Pod giveaway.

True Random Number GeneratorMin: Max: Result: 19  Sara (Mrs. Dude)

True Random Number GeneratorMin: Max: Result: 57  Karen Davis

True Random Number GeneratorMin: Max: Result: 15  Sarah B

True Random Number GeneratorMin: Max: Result: 50  Wendy

The Bari J. Sewing Patterns - a set of four

True Random Number GeneratorMin: Max: Result: 15  Liz M

And last, our friends at Where Women Create, a signed copy of their book and a bookmark

True Random Number GeneratorMin: Max: Result: 3 Lisa

If I'm lucky, our winners will see this post and contact me.  If not, give me a chance to come up for air from the threads flying and I'll email you to get your information and send out your gifts.

Thanks so very much you all!  I'll be back next week with 2 Sew It Up Sunday projects (I missed March because I was under the weather).  BUT if you can't wait until then...the latest issues of Sew Hip are out on the newstands - the second installment of my Pocket Full of Posies projects is out.  In issue 14, a great fun flower banner for Spring and Issue 15 a kitchen apron just right for your next garden party!  Sew Hip has a Flickr group too - if you make any of the projects you can post them there or with me!

