Indian summer has made its way here finally.
A light breeze has been blowing. The kids have been able to go out without a coat. And the farmer from across the street who passed away a few years ago, his boys have been harvesting all the corn lately and we can see their barn again and all the way across their field.
'Tis the season to count your blessings and I have been counting mine.
Blessed to have a healthy family (while I sit here and type this with a runny nose, cough and killer headache - but the kids, all but the littlest one who is sharing my goop, are all well).
Blessed to have a roof over my head today.
Blessed to have a refrigerator, well, not quite full of food. I need to grocery shop.
Blessed to see the sun shining today.
Blessed to have a car that runs and places to go to.
Blessed to have a big backyard (5 acres - ahh!) to look out upon and enjoy, and enjoy, and enjoy.
Blessed to have friends and family who love me and who I love dearly.
Blessed to have a wonderful teacher for my girls this year who is helping them to make forward motion.
Blessed to have a God who forgives me when I screw up because I do it all the time.
Blessed to have a husband who cleans the kitchen without asking, takes care of kids constantly, and loves me unconditionally. Very very blessed.
Blessed to have all of you who support me, cheer me on, and help me to reach my goals. I sincerely appreciate you all so much - you'll never know how very much your support means to me. I always feel the hand of God pushing me when my friends around me help hold me up.
And I've just been pondering those things lately. And counting my blessings...
And I was thinking of all of that while I was looking at these, blowin' in the breeze...
Blessed. Blessed. Blessed. Yes I am.
I think I'll add these aprons to the list of "things to make into patterns". Did I mention I have a new pattern out? And did I mention that if you blog about it and link back to me that I have TEN of these patterns I'm giving away. That's a lot...just if you want to enter the giveaway...just blog about the new Sprouts patterns, link back and leave me a comment that you did so. On Sunday, November 22nd, we'll pick a random TEN winners to get a free pattern. I would be so appreciative.
Or maybe you want to just leave me a comment about your blessings. I sure would love to hear them. Helps me have a better day to know you all are doing ok out there and enjoying your life and blessings. Please, do share.
I'm really just rambling now...I think it has something to do with my half open eyes because my sinuses hurt so much so I'll just sign off. I hope you all are enjoying this quiet and busy season. Take the time to count your blessings.