Just a few words to describe "here" lately. The weather went from summer to winter in the blink of an eye.
Last Sunday, we went with our church to enjoy the Apple Butter Festival at our church camp.
It was a beautiful day. The last one we have had this week.
It was crisp, colorful and a bit cold.
The apple butter was delish! The crafts were fantastic.
I talked to a lady in her 80's who makes rag rugs. She said it takes her 4-8 days to make a rug that was maybe 4'x3' or 5'x4', over 18 yards of fabric cut into 1 inch strips and she sells them, for $25-$35! What a bargain, really! They were so beautiful and I so enjoyed talking with her.
We ate apple dumplings.
We watched the process and smelled the aromas of apple butter cooking in the outdoor kettle.
We listened to the most amazing bluegrass music - talent like that is truly a gift from God. Acoustic guitars, violins, mandolins, and more - their sounds whispered into the breeze and just made you want to hum along.
The fire inside the cabin was warm and crowded.
My girls said they were happy. Me too. They really enjoyed hanging out with friends from church.
And little pea - she rode in the backpack almost all day - happy as a clam.
Can you smell the apple butter in these pictures? Hear the leaves crunching under the horses hooves? And the bluegrass music wafting through the air and tickled laughter all around?
It was a good day. God don't make no junk.
Our day in pictures, our joy to share.
- the two peas
Happy Fall!
Trish (ps keep your eyes peeled here - I'm moving to a Typepad blog soon. More features and room to grow - I'll let you know when I'm ready for you to visit me there! )