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What if it all goes right

[youtube=] I sound like some old lady, don't I?  My friend Joan passed on this book to me called My Sisters Keeper.  Man, it is really good.  One of the things she wrote in there said something like, don't most women find out what they really want to do when they are on their way going nowhere.  Referring to being in a job that just isn't going anywhere and in that, you make some real discoveries about yourself.  I feel like that describes me and where I am right now pretty well.  I'm not really going anywhere professionally anymore - at least not in the career path I started on when I graduated college some 14 years ago.  I worked for 12 years in conservation law enforcement and at a university in my natural resources field but I'm not really on the pathway to anywhere anymore.

There's no promotion to get.  I have given up my commission as a police officer for the sake of my family.  I'm just sort of sitting still.  And so, I feel like growing this business of designs and fabrics is where I've come full circle because art is where I began...really, really young.  And it's what my family has always pushed me towards saying that was my calling.  And in one way or another my family has always been connected by art.  And I've always ignored it.  Because I was "smarter" than that.  What does that mean?

But I'm starting to think - it's where my future is.  I just don't know.  I keep reaching out to other nationally known designers and getting some wonderful feedback.  It's just that first step, it's a really big one.  You know the kind that when you look down, you feel all sick and dizzy and you just want to back away but you know you gotta jump?  I'm at that point and I'm not so crazy about heights, if ya know what I mean.  As I met with my students tonight and talked to them about networking and how critically important that is to your success, I realized that I maybe I haven't networked enough, I don't know enough yet.  This song I posted above is one that gives me some inspiration.  I love what it says, what if the stars line up and good luck rains down, what if you chase your dreams and it changes your whole life.  Changes my life, my kids, my husbands - we have everything to gain and nothing to lose so I have to try, right?  Right?  Anybody got some words of wisdom out there?

what if that road that you’re taking’s a dead end What if love leaves you all jaded and broken what if that limb breaks you’re climbing out on yeah, what if it all goes wrong

But, what if it all goes right what if it all works out what if the stars line up and good luck rains down what if you chase your dreams and it changes your whole life Yeah, what if it all goes right

What if that road is a beautiful slow drive what if that love ends up lasting a life time what if that limb holds you, oak tree strong what if this time nothing goes wrong

what if it all goes right what if it all works out what if the stars line up and good luck rains down what if you chase your dreams and it changes your whole life Yeah, what if it all goes right

what if you climb to the mountain top and touch the sky grab a cloud as it passes by you might fall you might fall but then again you might fly

what if it all goes right what if it all works out what if the stars line up and good luck rains down what if you chase your dreams and it changes your whole life Yeah, what if it all goes right
